I truly can not get enough of my Lilacs.
Each bud, budding flower or bloom is so unique and special to my eyes.
The immensity of their variations is like stars in the sky to me -- and I am left feeling such contentment and security in my amazement at the force behind their beauty...
What beautiful images--I love to look into my lilac bush, too. For me, though, it's not just the sight, it's also the heavenly scent. A lilac bush grew outside the window of my room in my childhood home. Every time I catch a whiff of fresh lilac, I'm instantly transported to my past...
So beautiful...
Hi Karen, I agree with you that the scent of Lilac is *just* lovely. We don't have as many blooms this year (must be the weather) so I have been hesitant to cut any sprigs to bring inside like I usually do. Walking by them will have to be enough...
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