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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Seeds of Empowerment

For the last four days I have been working in the yard -- gardening and planting a meadow.

Although I live in the suburbs I have a large yard that is divided into two sections -- one that is close to the house and gets a lot of use -- and one that is farther back and doesn't "do" too much.

This year I decided to put that back section to work!

I am turning it into a meadow -- a field of wildflowers. I have tilled the land and planted 6 pounds of wildflower seeds (that's a lot!)

I dream of living in "the country" but have no plans to move there just yet -- so instead, I am bringing "the country" to me...


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I realized my dream 18 months ago
Moved back to my homeplace.
Built a small cottate way off the main road. Love it. Creating my gardens, my little adopted dog and One Woman back at the edge of the woods.

Bloom Spirit Expressions said...

Ohhhhh, your one-woman cottage with garden and dog sounds just lovely! For right now I am still working on making my suburban house as much of a "cottage in the country" as I can. Luckily I have an abundance of wildlife here which helps. Also, I am may work on a garden this summer... :)