Colorful | Fun | Free-Spirited Jewelry.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

You Aren't Imagining Things - There's a Change!

Blooming Enamels Jewelry on Etsy

So I've been quiet, yet busy, for the past year as I've been traveling a path of exploring where my creative needs and artistic expression want to go. I've taken my time but I believe I've arrived at a destination -- it's enameling!

I first looked into working with metal clay but found it too messy and persnickety for my tastes and so as I kept searching I stumbled (very serendipitously I think!) upon torch-fired enameling -- and I love it! It's all about color and using high heat (fire) to fuse the color to a metal base. I mainly use raw copper sheets and cut and forge it into the shapes I want and then fuse the colored glass onto the metal with fire from a torch. I tried using a kiln but found that process very slow and boring! I also use pre-made metals objects, which are either copper or iron, such as beads. Whatever the case it involves dangling the metal through a flame to heat it up to about 1500 degrees Fahrenheit and then dragging it through, or sprinkling on, colored powdered glass. It's a very quick and dynamic two-handed process that really engages my interest and, since it's fire, keeps me on my toes!

Once the colored metal piece is created I turn it into jewelry by adding crystals or mixing pieces together or layering. Also, I make all my own sterling silver ear wires. It takes more time this way but I was told early on that the individuality of the handmade wires adds to the jewelry and makes it truly handcrafted and unique.

So anyway, this is just the beginning! I will talk and write more about my new endeavor as I keep going but just wanted you to know that your weren't imagining things - I *have* changed things around and what was Bloom Spirit Expressions is now Blooming Enamels. I hope you like it as much as I do! :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pre Lift-off

I love Canadian geese. I know lots of people think they are a nuisance but for me they are not. I just don’t walk where they are or else I *look* where I’m walking. J So I think they are kind of cool. I like how they are strong and sturdy and since they are migratory they are good on endurance. Did you know a goose can fly 600 miles in one day. Wow! And of course, they mate for life and take good care of their young, which is admirable you can’t dispute…

I like this papa goose. He might just be telling me to get away from his babies but out of context I can see him as preparing for flight. Stretching wide and broad in order to get the kinks out and forewarn his wings for what might come next: a long journey. He knows he can do it and he knows it’s important to prepare for it. He does the stretch and practices the movement. He knows the journey will be long but he is up for it.

Endurance is a skill I would be wise to nurture. It’s not easy to stay focused and motivated to achieve a certain goal but in doing so you can achieve great distances – like a goose flying 600 miles in one day.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Sweet Striver

It’s the spring season again here in Northeast Ohio and that means both my lilac bush and dogwood tree are in full bloom. I just *love* that… J

So this year, instead of cutting off a sprig of lilac (smells so good!) and photographing it while in a vase on a table (and so therefore having a perspective of looking down on it from above), I decided to just let the bloom be and took pictures “au naturel” (that is, from underneath and looking up). And of course I love the new perspective! It feels more energetic and “vivacious” to me.

For me, the sweet little bloom I’ve focused on here has the sun on her face while she is yearning and striving and reaching and hoping for the gorgeous blue skies above. The other blooms already surge ahead of her but nevertheless, the confident young bloom is holding on to her own special wishes and dreams. The Sweet Striver quietly aspires to the boundless possibilities she knows are waiting in the open expanse of opportunity before her....

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crystal Clear

Bending down, going low, getting in real close, and authentically examining through all the clutter can ultimately lead to an awareness and understanding that is as clear as crystal.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012