Colorful | Fun | Free-Spirited Jewelry.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Safely Growing

This little bud appears so definite and self-assured of reaching greater heights, but, at the same time, she has tentacles (what else are they?) to clear her way and make sure the path is safe for growth.

The diminutive bud isn't just aimlessly or recklessly growing upward and outward but instead she has purpose and direction and intention in her growth and the tentacles are actually discovering the path first and then are leading the bloom to follow.

I'm thinking the bud will grow taller and stronger than she might have because of the "clearing of the path" and guidance that the exploratory tentacles provide.

The best part is that the tentacles are of the bloom's own making.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Sweet Exhale

I am not a cold weather person. I like temperatures that begin around 75 and go up from there. Needless to say, winter is a difficult season for me.

When I take a walk these days and see the brilliant Forsythia bush in full bloom I nearly viscerally feel my whole spirit, and maybe my soul too, exhale. Certainly my body relaxes the tension it was holding during the winter months and I can tangibly sense the promise of summer (my favorite season) which I know, when I see the Forsythia, is certain to be coming along soon.

The funny thing is that I don't particularly like the color yellow -- and I don't feel any affinity with the Forsythia, but I can't deny that when she reaches her full bloom the relief I feel at knowing that the worst of the winter season is over is *so* sweet to me that Forsythia, for the time-being, is my most favorite of them all...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Seeking Out

As the suns becomes brighter and warmer with each passing day I feel like this tender little flower tentatively seeking out from her winter hiding place.

Quietly, and with anticipation, she is curious to see all the new-born and re-born wonders that the Spring might deliver...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Enjoying the Journey

I *adore* lilacs -- especially the purple ones.

Ever since I was a little girl purple was my favorite color and to see it so unabashedly expressed in nature, by the lilac bush, is exciting for me.

These purple lilac budlings will be bursting forth any day now and although I am waiting patiently for them to take their time in emerging, I am very much looking forward to when they do.

But even before the flowers do emerge I find the budlings to be just as intriguing as the sweet and beautiful flowers they will become. I enjoy looking closely at all the intricate patterns of the buds as they crowd next to each other making their space, and place, in the future bunch. Although I am eager for the bloomed flowers, I slow myself down to enjoy observing the budlings just as much.

It's another reminder for me to value the journey as much as the destination.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Well, finally Spring is beginning to arrive here, and not a moment too soon!

Although I try to remain stoic during the winter months I can't help but *exalt* when I see the first stirrings of new buds and growth. It is so reassuring when the cycle starts around again.