Whenever I think there is "nothing to photograph" all I have to do is get down, close to the ground, and use macro. It's a whole new world -- and such a wise world too.
The details I see when in the "macro world" are, actually, awe-inspiring way far beyond the mundane limits of my life.
I can get wrapped up thinking the daily details of my life are important but then, when I look at all the gazillions and gazillions -- and even *more* gazillions -- of details in the macro world I am humbled and my chattering brain comes to a quick (and welcome, I must say) standstill.
I begin to grasp that the details of my world are as passing as the seeds of this dandelion. They come, they go, they serve a purpose, they are done.
Really, there is no need to get so wrapped up in each and every gazillion detail.
It's enough to trust that they all serve purpose and when the purpose is over the detail will move on...
Beautiful words, beautiful photo...it IS humbling, isn't it? Looking really closely, getting absorbed into and lost in the wonder...
getting down on the ground is already a humbling act...nice thoughts and photo...
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