This little acorn was tucked so far under the wilting grass, weeds and retiring meadow flowers that I almost missed her. What a shame that would have been!
The little nut looks to me like she is biding her time until she can become snow-covered and so nestle herself in the ground to start hibernating and gestating for the coming spring when she will emerge as a baby tree.
She looks to me as if she is trying to disappear -- not so that she isn't seen, but so that no squirrels capture her before she reaches her truest moment. She knows that her special destiny in time is not yet here and she knows that, "laying low" is a strategy she can use to help her survive until then.
She is retreating from the spotlight now so that she can gather her forces and prepare for her most authentic entrance of all...
Loved this...made me feel at peace while reading it! Beautifully written.
Was just over visiting your card site.
Loved this entry and the one after it.
Truly! You are following your dream and it's inspiring.
I am so proud...both with and of you.
Best wishes and much love,
Prairie Star
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