Sometimes in life I just need to retreat and slow down everything. I need to turn off the chatter of daily life, and the chatter in my mind, and focus inward on more steady and stable truths.
I find I need this especially before new changes are about to occur. I seem to need the retreat time to nurture my self, and my soul, in preparation for the changes which often can be unsettling in their new unfamiliarity.
I "know" that change is good...that without change there would be stagnation...but nevertheless, my sensibilities still find the transition into change to be challenging...
I love this little acorn that is taking a rest in the comfort of the leaf -- the leaf which probably came from the same tree the acorn was from before it fell to the ground. The little acorn is gathering its energy to prepare for the next phase of its journey, that of becoming a magnificent tree, and it finds comfort in hanging on, for just a little while longer, to the old relationship with the leaf.
Soon the acorn *will* blow away and lodge itself in the earth to eventually become the tree it was meant to be, but for now -- it rests.
Do you give yourself time to slow down, retreat and gather your energies before new changes happen in your life?