Spring has finally arrived! Of course I knew it would but this year it seemed to have had a little trouble getting started with the lingering snows, cold and wet weather.
But spring is officially here! The bud, blooms and blossoms are popping up all over the place. There is newness at every turn. I love spring and the energy it brings.
I've been thinking about energy lately and how I have so much of it and how it isn't focused. If I could better harness my energy I could get so much done! Well, I do get "so much done" but if I could determine what exactly it is that I *most* want to get done then I could put my energy into that and really go for it. This is the task I want to take on -- figuring out where to harness and focus my energy.
But for now I am anticipating new flowers and new nature to walk in, look at and take photos of! As much as I don't love winter the reward of spring is so sweet!
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