Mmmmm,the lilacs are in bloom! They smell so good. If I walk across the front yard I can't help but take in the sweet odor of the tiny flowers that pack a punch of an olafactory impact. Is there a lesson in here? Power can come in small packages maybe?
These lilacs are so delicate and feminine yet they accomplish their duty (of permeating the air with scent) better than most larger flowers. They don't deny their destiny and they also don't insist on it all year round. They have a very short and defined amount of time to do their thing. And they do it so well.
I have cut some branches and brought them inside. The house is full of lilac energy (competing with the even-more-delicate -- Lilies of the Valley -- but that's a story for another day). The energy in the house is good.
And if you didn't know -- lilacs are very hardy. You can cut them down and they will just keep on growing back. They will accomodate the space within which they are allowed to grow. They can grow tall or be kept low. They are easy-going, more concerned with their broad destiny that with little details. I like that.