I was very pleased this past weekend when a customer at the craft show was taken with this photo.
I love this photo but since it's not your typical, easy to understand, photo of a fresh and pretty delicate flower I had thought that no one else out there would like it like I do.
But there was someone!
I explained that this is a photo of an old, dried out and "wilted" hyacinth blossom. She suggested to me that the bloom wasn't wilted but was "weathered" and I agreed wholeheartedly. That's why the name of this image is, "The Beauty of the Third Age."
As a woman over 40, who is nothing but *thrilled* to have turned that corner of the aging milestone process, I see this weathered hyacinth flower, in its third phase of existence, as a gorgeous, vibrant and enduring bloom which portends only continued strength and increased self-possession as the days, and time, inevitably will march along...