When I look at this picture I feel a sense of kindness and forgiveness.
The small, pink, delicate flowers are regrowing after what was probably years of misuse. It was probably years of the meadowland serving as a foundation for the train and the advancement of industry and all the disregard to nature that came with it. During that time the meadowland likely could not grow and flourish as it was meant to since the oil and dirt and debris of the train rumbling over it kept it stunted and tamed.
Time has moved on though, and the train is no longer in use so that the small flowers are able to peak out again and, somewhat tentatively, regain their purpose. Slowly the flowers are finding their way up through the stones and are stretching in and around the rails to gently reform itself as a meadow.
The flowers don't seem to me to be angry or holding any grudge about the detour or lost years from their original purpose. Instead, it seems to me as if the flowers are simply, maybe even humbly, carrying on where they left off and are softly returning to the journey of their destiny.