Recently I've been like this little house, tucked away and hidden in the woods, but it's time to make an appearance!
This weekend I have craft/art show in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. It is an outdoor event and I will use my canopy tent for the first time.
I have more products than I had before. I now have, in addition to my matted frameable 5 x 7 size greeting cards, I have matted prints, 4 x 6 size greeting cards and packs of cards as well as a new series of design images I call, "Flower Kaleidoscopes."
And, I also have some jewelry! I've made glass tile pendant jewelry from my photography and images. They are in various different sizes and are very cute (if I say so myself :).
In any case, as long as the weather holds (fingers are crossed!) it looks to be a fun and exciting show and I hope to see you there!