I look at this flower and see a finished product. She is successful and accomplished and proud and happy with the work, persistence and patience she has put into becoming who she is.
This lone flower stayed focussed on her dreams and hung in there when the leaves overshadowed her and she felt small. She took that quiet time of hiding in the shadows to learn more about herself, and what she wanted, and she always remained facing forward so that when the rays of the encouraging sun eventually came her way she was more than ready to let them nurture her to become everything she had imagined.
The confident flower even has some perspective now to know that those leaves around her, the leaves that were putting her in the shadows, were also protecting her from the harsh elements. Harsh elements that likely could have weakened the young bloom beyond repair if she had been forced to face them before her right time.
This flower I see is strong and secure in herself in the present moment but yet she realizes that she also must be thankful for the shadows of her past.